Linux pour l'Entreprise |
Ceux qui continuent à vouloir vendre du système d'exploitation aux utilisateurs ont du souci à se faire.
Internet service companies
Deja News, Inc. iConnect Corporation Rogers Cable BokNet Sandhill Solutions Preferred Internet, Inc. Blue Marble Live Telnet Canada Enterprises, Ltd. The Reference Internation Seafare Access Ltd. The Net Result System Services, Inc. Vigilant Internet services Ltd. Websense.Net Creanet Dataplus IN*KA e.V. CymruNet Ltd 'NET - AT - WORK' GmbH The Web Site Inc. Cybernet Pty Ltd Dynamic Solutions HogiaNet Comfo Access Information Network Canada Corp. NIKOMA MediaWorks GmbH Electropolis Softcraft Impresa Hex.Net Superhighway Web Point Communications Internet Discovery Ltd Vest Internett a/s CyberSites, Inc. Sonoma.Net InfiNet WaW Internet Gateway Inc. Datasync, Inc. Kralizec Pty Ltd Genesis Internet Services Limited |
Software developers and
computer consultants
M-Tech Mercury Information Technology, Inc. Seattle Software Labs, Inc. ARDI -- makers of Executor Mac emulator software Wolfram Research Progressive Computer Concepts, Inc. Voxar Ltd Realtime Software Solutions, Inc. Byte Designs Ltd. Proven Software Inc. Bent Media Inc., ltd. Elektrondata AB Image Integration Inc Executive Consultants Vertek Corporation MostlyLinux Pacific Digital Interactive Obsidian Systems CC Datapat GmbH Knox Software BeFree SA/NV TIS Software Limited The Clan Partnership Ltd. Logica PLC Syntel Intelligent Alternatives Fly-By-Day Consulting, Inc. Emit Sp z o.o. SysNet Software Builders C&B Consulting I/S LiquidCom Better Access NV Linux Canada Inc. Integrated Technologies Corp. Telecommunications companies Telechamada, Chamada de Pessoas, SA RTV Regional-TV Services GmbH Sony WorldWide Networks LoopExpert Technologies Century Computers Digital Video Systems, Inc. Cisco Systems Inc. SpellCaster Telecommunications Inc. Century Computers |
Instrumentation and control
Fluke Corporation Erik Thiele (who built an autonomous robot) Engineering companies Townsend Engineering Services, Inc. RMD Engineering Inc. UNITED RAILWAY SIGNAL GROUP, INC. Virginia Power Atrax Engineering Sony Electronics Inc Manufacturing Triton ETD The retail sector Universal Computer Services (reference is regarding their client) The oil and gas industry Decollement Consulting, Ltd. Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers The publishing industry Byte Magazine (McGraw Hill) The Linux Journal (Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc.) Digisoft Software Development The Auto Channel, Inc. Linux-Magazin Verlag The financial industry INTECH Sallie Mae Inc. Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency The automotive industry Debis Systemhaus CCS GmbH Mercedes-Benz AG The healthcare sector The Alberta Provincial Mental Health Advisory Board Real Estate, Construction Wellsford Residential Property Trust Keyline Building Materials Tourism and travel Allied Tours Intransco Travel Concepts of Atlanta |
Yellow Cab Service Corporation Vendors of Linux hardware, software, books, etc. Apache Digital Corporation Linux Systems Labs Revolutionary Software, Inc. Craftwork Solutions, Inc. Sangoma Technologies Inc. Numerical Algorithms Group, Inc. All-Linux Shopping Mall WorkGroup Solutions, Inc Real Magic LINUX VirtuFlex Software Corp. Quality Software Solutions, Inc. DCG Computers, Inc. S.u.S.E. GmbH LiSA Consulting Red Hat Software, Inc. Cyrix AMD Educational and research institutions Calif. Polytechnic State Univ. Chair for Technical Thermodynamics New Zealand Forest Research Insitute GLACIER Institut für Informations- und Datenverarbeitung Millbury Public Schools Government organizations National Disaster Communication Response Team Non-profit and charitable organizations Community Information & Referral The military and its support industries Science Applications International Corporation U.S. Army Publications and Printing Command U.S. Navy: Personnel Support Activity, San Diego Agriculture Agdia, Inc. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Sports and recreation The Calgary Winter Club |
Les utilisateurs
Linux possède des interfaces ergonomiques de type multifenêtrage
qui permettent à l'utilisateur de travailler à l'aide de
la souris et des menus déroulants (protocole X-Window). Du point
de vue ergonomie utilisateur il n'y a pas de différence fondamental
entre un desktop Microsoft Windows et un desktop Linux.
Il existe aussi des sociétés qui vendent des plate-forme
Linux entièrement configurées, avec des applicatifs. Certaines
d'entre-elles ont des revendeurs en Europe.
Sells pre-installed Linux systems. Sells pre-installed computers with Slackware or RedHat. Sells pre-installed Linux/Alpha systems. Located in the United Kingdom. Sells custom Intel, Alpha, and Sparc computer systems pre-installed with Linux. Sells pre-installed i86 Linux systems. Sells Linux Alpha-based workstations. Sells custom systems installed with Linux. Sells internet servers pre-installed with Caldera Linux Specializes in configuration, installation, and support of Linux internet server systems. Sells "Linux On A Disk", hard disks preloaded with Linux. |
Sells Intel and Alpha systems preconfigured with Redhat. Sells pre-installed Intel and Alpha Linux machines. Sells preinstalled Linux servers and workstations. Located in Austria. Sells pre-installed Linux systems. Sells power workstations and file servers installed with Caldera Linux. Sells Intel and Alpha systems installed with your choice of Linux distributions. Sells DEC ALpha clones preinstalled with Redhat Linux. Sells DEC AlphaStations with Linux pre-installed. Sells Intel and Alpha Linux Servers and Workstations. Sells pre-installed systems with Slackware, Red Hat, or Caldera Linux distributions. Also sell multi-processor systems. |
Sells WEBCUBE, an internet server running Linux. Sells Linux based systems and components. Located in Japan. Sells high-end network systems pre-installed with Linux. Sells i386 and Alpha architectures with Linux. Sells desktop and notebook systems preinstalled with the SuSE Linux distribution. Sells pre-installed Linux systems. Sells workstations, servers, and laptops pre-installed with Red Hat Linux. Specializes in selling Pentium II systems pre-loaded with Linux to corporate customers. |
En fait, Linux a été créé notamment pour
mettre à disposition une vraie machine Unix au prix le plus abordable
possible, et cet objectif a été pleinement atteint. la plate-forme
de prédilection est bien sûr le PC/Intel, mais de nombreux
autres matériels sont disponibles. Il s'en suit que les configurations
matérielle pouvant faire fonctionner Linux sont certainement les
moins chères du marché.
La maintenance d'un système Linux équivaut à la
maintenance d'un système Unix. On connait les grandes qualités
d'Unix en matière de maintenance, de sécurité et de
fiabilité ; ce sont donc aussi les qualités de Linux.
ATTENTION : la communauté Linux produit à une vitesse exceptionnelle. Les progrès réalisés dans les 2 dernières années sont colossaux en matière d'installation, d'interface graphique ou d'applications disponibles. Les Linuxiens, devant leur succès actuel, ne vont certainement pas casser cette dynamique mais au contraire l'amplifier.
Groupement des Utilisateurs Linux du Dauphine (GUILDE)
Location: Grenoble, France
Web Site:
Sophia Antipolis Linux Users Group (SALUG)
Location: Sophia Antipolis, Cote D'Azur, France
Web Site:
Contact: none
ANRTT-CULTe Linux User Group
Location: Toulouse, France
Web Site:
Contact: Djalil CHAFAI
Provence Linux User Group (PLUG)
Location: France
Web Site:
Association FINIX
Location: France
Web Site: